Wednesday, April 27, 2016

4/28/2016; Unit 3 Portfolio

Final Project

50 Years ago, America was a much different place than it now is. We had an unmistakable identity, a thriving economy, and more than anything.. an unquenchable thirst to dream of tomorrow. 50 years ago, America crushed the rest of the world when it came to innovation and technology, and American kids dreamed of growing up to become engineers and scientists. Over these past 50 years, we have coasted on the innovation of days gone by, become complacent with where we are. Currently, however, other countries like China are catching up, and even overtaking us in this key area. This innovation deficit is a problem only devoted and sustained investment can correct. By investing in our future through allocating tax dollars towards centers of innovation like NASA, by increasing the budget of NASA from half-a-penny on the tax dollar to a full penny, the fire of innovation can be relit, and we can learn again to dream of tomorrow…..


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