Monday, February 29, 2016

3/1/2016; Research Questions

Question 1- Do you see space tourism as a profitable endeavor within the next ten years.

Question 2- Do you think the general public is more or less excited about the possibilities of space and space exploration than they were 5-10 years ago?

Question 3- Do you believe we will have the technology to put a man on mars within the next decade?


                To me, space and the technology required for us to expand our knowledge of it is a huge area of interest, but going into this assignment I didn’t think it necessarily had the same effect on others. When trying to formulate my questions, I decided that the technology associated with space exploration was a perfect topic that aligned with both the class focus and my interests. I tried to make my questions accessible to everyone, even people who might not have a lot of background knowledge on the subject. To my surprise, I found that the people I asked generally found the topic of my questions quite interesting and had some fairly strong opinions already formed. I think the increase in space interest within recent years, especially due to the upstart of privatized space companies like SpaceX, has had a strong impact on the way the public now views space exploration. Of the three questions I asked, the third one seemed to return the strongest responses, possibly because it is something that each and every one of us would love to see before we die. I think this last question in particular hits close home with a lot of people, because following in the shoes on the first moon landing of the 1960’s, it is most likely a once in a lifetime event that we will be able to tell our kids and grandkids about for decades to come. I think the key to asking good questions is definitely to ask simple, compact questions that draw interest in many people, not just people who know a lot about the subject.

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