Make America[s Space Presence] Great Again
the eons, man has looked up into the black abyss of the night sky and wished
there was some way he could possibly know what it was like outside our own
planet. During the 1960’s, we did what many thought could never be done: we put
a man on the moon. Less than a decade after President Kennedy declared the nations
ambitions to put a man on the moon, and barely a decade after the very birth of
NASA, the feat was completed. If we were able to accomplish such a hefty goal
in just eight years, then why have we failed to progress even a meter farther
into space since then? While the days of NASA’s extraordinary budget may be long gone,
today offers a new chapter of still gleaming hope. All is not lost. With the
rise of private sector space companies and the return of NASA missions to expand
our extraterrestrial reach in recent years, the potential is there for America
to cement its leadership in the final frontier once and for all. By increasing
NASA’s budget by a mere half-penny on the tax dollar, “we [could] transform the
country from a sullen, dispirited nation, weary of economic struggle, to one
where it has reclaimed its 20th century birthright to dream of tomorrow"
[Neil Degrasse Tyson].
mailed to:
Representative John Katco
440 South Warren St.
7th Floor Suite 711
Syracuse, NY 13202
Interesting topic. You did a good job of giving background info and context and the quote was a great addition.